

I’m Amanda and I’m your resident urban hipster.

What’s an urban hipster you ask? I have no fucking idea. I literally made it up.

I made it up because I don’t fit into any particular category. I live in Washington, DC and am part of the educated “elite,” but I was raised in a lower middle class family in Upstate New York. I make a pour over every morning because I drink my coffee black and like it to taste good without feeling compelled to add creamer. I’ve been a vegetarian before vegetarianism was in vogue. I’m an environmental advocate who drives an Audi. I buy “hipster” clothes from the thrift store because I don’t believe in paying retail, not because shopping at the thrift store is the hipster thing to do. Most importantly: I believe in the oxford comma.

An urban hipster (n.) is an individual who occupies the gray zone that exists between those who reject the mainstream and everyone else.

Now that we’ve established this, what is this blog about?


My goals. My philosophy on life. Politics. Recreational veganism. Living zero waste. Minimalism. Travel. Dating in the District (or the lack thereof). Everything.

Because I can.

Thanks for reading y’all. Enjoy the ride.
