Take Two

I don’t take care of myself. I intended for you, my dear digital journal, to be the repository for all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, frustrations, etc. crammed into my mind. To help me track progress towards goals–or at the very least, to be a constant reminder that I have goals I’m working towards.

Instead, I’ve let life get in the way. I’ve been “too busy.” Too busy to write. Too busy to run. Too busy to properly nourish my body. Too busy to pay attention to my finances.

Too busy.

But those two words, I’ve come to realize, are really a veiled excuse. It took me leaving my job and taking on a scrappy entrepreneur’s existence to realize that. To realize that how I use my time is just as important as time itself. I hate the traditional 9-5 for a lot of reason, particularly because it enables us to make excuses…to defer life. We have too much work to do so we stay late, forsake time with family and a nutritious dinner. We fear the unknown so we stick it out, just a little bit longer, hoping that promotion is right around the corner. In doing so we don’t take the time to see the new, bigger and better opportunity smack dab in front of us. We gain a pound here and a pound there not realizing that sitting at a desk all day is setting us up for a lifetime of chronic disease.

But when you leave the security blanket of a job behind, you suddenly realize the value of time. Or at least I did…

My job made it easy for me to pass the buck by convincing myself I was always too busy, constantly undervaluing my own time. But now I have no time to spare. If I don’t work I don’t pay rent. If I don’t go to the kitchen my business fails. And if I don’t run or be mindful with what I’m putting into my body, my health suffers.

I never anticipated ‘intentionalism’ being the byproduct of quitting my job and jumping into the deep unknown. But here we are.

So, let’s try this again. I want to make time for this to work. Not just because I want to…but because I think I really need to.


